WPC Decking

WPC decking also called wood plastic composite decking is an attractive and dependable decking solution that will withstand the test of time. Each piece is knot free and consistent in size, color and length. WPC decking looks, smells and handles like wood but has the durability of plastic, it is UV treated to last. We export Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) worldwide.


What is WPC Wood Plastic Composite composed of and how is it made?
WPC is composed of 55% waste wood and 45% thermal plastic resin waste plastic. Waste wood is retrieved from demolition sites, lumber mills, factories, wood shops and other sources utilizing wood as a basic raw material in the production of goods.  The waste wood is the retrieved and ground to hundreds of microns and is then mixed and kneaded with the waste plastic. The resulting WPC mixture is extruded with heat through custom made molds and cooled with water immediately thereafter.


Quality of WPC?
Due to a protective surface covering, WPC products are highly water resistant and resist corrosion by bacteria and insect damage inflicted by termites. The manufacturing process of WPC brings out the best in the efficient use of waste wood and waste plastic resulting in an eco logically friendly and extremely versatile building material.


WPC environmentally friendly?
Because it is made from waste products and 100% recycled materials. Accordingly, when compared to the felling, stripping and lumbering of natural wood, the production of WPC is more environmentally friendly.  Although energy produced and used in manufacturing WPC results in a certain amount of C02 emissions, such emissions are minimized by exhaust scrubbing thereby minimizing and negative impact on the environment. Because the extrusion process allows nearly 100% material usage, there is almost no waste of the recycled input materials used in making WPC.


Advantages of the WPC Wood Plastic Composite Decking:

  • Natural color
  • Slip resistant
  • UV treatment, resists fading-even under prolonged sunny conditions
  • Low maintenance
  • Perfect finish
  • Insect, termite and mold resistant, resists warping and decay
  • Does not require painting, and comes in 5 basic colors


Available in 5 colors:

Wood color, dark grey, copper brown, coffee color, cedar color


WPC Decking

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